open back - перевод на русский
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open back - перевод на русский

Open unrounded back vowel; Ɑ (IPA); /ɑ/; Low back unrounded vowel; Open-back unrounded vowel; Near-open back unrounded vowel; Α (IPA)

open back      
корешок книги, блок которой вставлен на гильзу
  • Gordon]], an enslaved person who was frequently whipped.
  • Painting of a woman's back by [[Edgar Degas]].
  • Extensive back [[tattoo]].
Lower back; Backs; Back; Espalda; Back muscles; Dorsum humanum; Human backs; Straight back syndrome; Straight Back Syndrome


общая лексика

парки и лужайки (кембриджских колледжей вдоль р. Кем; известны своей живописностью)

дословная передача

зады, так как колледжи обращены сюда своей задней стороной


общая лексика

парки и лужайки кембриджских колледжей вдоль реки Кем

  • Gordon]], an enslaved person who was frequently whipped.
  • Painting of a woman's back by [[Edgar Degas]].
  • Extensive back [[tattoo]].
Lower back; Backs; Back; Espalda; Back muscles; Dorsum humanum; Human backs; Straight back syndrome; Straight Back Syndrome
1) оборотная сторона, оборот (листа) || оборотный, обратный
2) печатать на оборотной стороне (листа)
3) основа; носитель слоя; подложка
4) корешок (блока, переплётной крышки, книги)
5) корешковое поле
6) отгибка фальцев || отгибать фальцы
7) копировальная рама
8) задняя стенка (напр. рамы); задняя сторона
9) двигаться в обратном направлении


а, м.
Многозарядное ручное огнестрельное оружие с магазином в виде вращающегося барабана. Револь-верный - относящийся к револьверу, револьверам.||Ср. БРАУНИНГ, БУЛЬДОГ, ВАЛЬТЕР, КОЛЬТ, МАУЗЕР, НАГАН, ПАРАБЕЛЛУМ, ПИСТОЛЕТ.


Open back unrounded vowel

The open back unrounded vowel, or low back unrounded vowel, is a type of vowel sound, used in some spoken languages. The symbol in the International Phonetic Alphabet that represents this sound is ɑ, and the equivalent X-SAMPA symbol is A. The letter ɑ is called script a because it lacks the extra hook on top of a printed letter a, which corresponds to a different vowel, the open front unrounded vowel. Script a, which has its linear stroke on the bottom right, should not be confused with turned script a, ɒ, which has its linear stroke on the top left and corresponds to a rounded version of this vowel, the open back rounded vowel.

The open back unrounded vowel is the vocalic equivalent of the pharyngeal approximant [ʕ̞]. ɑ̯ with the non-syllabic diacritic and ʕ̞ are used in different transcription systems to represent the same sound.

In some languages (such as Azerbaijani, Estonian, Luxembourgish and Toda) there is the near-open back unrounded vowel (a sound between cardinal [ɑ] and [ʌ]), which can be transcribed in IPA with ɑ̝ or ʌ̞.

The Hamont-Achel dialect of Limburgish has been reported to contrast long open front, central and back unrounded vowels. This is extremely unusual.

Примеры произношения для open back
1. It's got this open back.
Ultimate Hiking Gear & Skills Clinic _ Andrew Skurka _ Talks at Google
2. I guess I was too open back then. Because after I came back from space and was doing some
Mindfulness from Weightlessness _ Soyeon Yi _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для open back
1. Another bunch is huddled against each other in the open back of the four–wheel drive.
2. Standing in the open, back to back, firing steadily, every shot counting, surrounded by thousands, these British soldiers died.
3. He said one left the vehicle and started to shoot at the car, while another opened fire from the open back door of an SUV.
4. Israeli leaders immediately shot down the idea. «I proposed to (former Israeli Premier Shimon) Peres and the Americans to open back channel talks, far from the spotlight.
5. Police said 22 pilgrims were wounded and one was killed in an attack on their open–back truck in western Baghdad.